Friday, August 9, 2013

The Most Embarrassing Childhood Photos

Why is it that parents always bring out the most embarrassing pictures of us when we least want or need to have them shown?

When you bring that special someone home for the first time, or all the guys come over for the big game, these are both prime times for your most embarrassing childhood photos!

Everyone has at least one bathtub shot; soap suds everywhere, with a yellow rubber ducky or a GI Joe or maybe a submarine, or -- even worse -- with your siblings lined up like a chorus line. Mine was an old tin bathtub in front of the wood stove; my hair was full of soap, and I looked a lot like a clown!

Then there are those terrible shots of you naked! Who in the world would want his future wife to see a picture of him in the all together chasing the dog around the back yard or, even worse, with the dog chasing him!

Kids will pick their noses, and if you wait until they are digging deep, you are sure to have ammunition for years to come. A picture of your child when she is playing in the mud, covered head to toe, is the best; a little in the mouth never hurts either!

Halloween costumes for a three-year-old can be great for embarrassment later in life. How many 15-year-old boys want their new friends to see them dressed like a chicken or frog?

Every kid thinks they are the height of fashion, but I have several pictures of me as a youngster, that I would much rather no one ever see. Bell bottoms were in, along with Nehru jackets, love beads, and flowers in the hair.

My mom has a picture of the three of us girls wearing our stripped tights, and ruffled hats that we got for Christmas. That is a great picture and believe me when I say that everyone I have ever brought home has seen that picture at one time or another! My favorite is of my grandson when he fell asleep in a plate of food at his fourth birthday. I love the picture, but I am sure there will come a day when he won't.

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