Sunday, August 11, 2013

Top 10 Embarrassing Childhood Photos

OK, so we all have them -- embarrassing photographs our folks took when we were four years old and still sucking our thumb. They show up at our wedding, when we bring a date home, and always when we really wish they wouldn't!

So, here are my top ten lists of embarrassing photo opportunities.

1. The Infamous Tub Shot

Everyone I know has the embarrassing bathtub photo shot. You're lathered in soap and your overly large seven-year-old head is covered in shampoo. This is always the number one most embarrassing photo that parents can take of their kids. They can up the ante by having one of your siblings in the tub with you.

2. Naked Shots

Stemming from the tub shot comes the buck-naked embarrassing photographs we all have from when we are kids. One of the best ones I ever saw was of an ornery four-year-old who refused to wear anything but his red cowboy boots. His future wife will laugh over that one when it shows up on the slideshow at their wedding.

3. The Blankie Shot

There is nothing wrong with having a blankie, but this photograph becomes extremely embarrassing when you are 10 years old and still wildly clinging to your blankie as you leave for the fifth grade!!

4. Nose-Picking Shots

Now, these nose-picking shots are always super-embarrassing photo opportunities. No child can make it through the first 12 years of life without picking its nose at some point. To get the most embarrassing photo, wait until they are really digging deep for a gold mine!

5. Pimple Shots

Not that pimples are funny, but they do make for a super-embarrassing photo opportunity! Nothing is worse than being all dressed up for your first homecoming dance and then realizing your pimples will be in the photo with you!

6. Braces Shots

There is just something so embarrassing about a photograph showcasing a mouthful of braces. Of course, as silver braces slowly disappear off the face of the earth, this simple and embarrassing photo opportunity is quickly disappearing.

7. Clothing Shots

Ok, so we may think we are at the height of fashion, but when you look back 20 years into the past at some clothing choices you or your parents made for you, they can be a awesomely embarrassing photograph! I have a terrible photo of me in brown bell-bottoms, a brown lion t-shirt, and some bright blue Pumas! Yikes. There is always the infamous I am wearing every piece of clothing I got for Christmas at once photo that shows up occasionally. Now that one is a great blackmail shot!

8. Hairdo Shots

Hairstyles change and quickly become one of the most embarrassing features of past photographs. Afros, puffy bangs, mullets, and more -- oh my!

9. Teeth shots

Who doesn't have a shot of them missing their two front teeth. These shots are not embarrassing in the least. The embarrassing photograph comes when one of your missing teeth has partially grown in or even grown in crooked! This awkward stage in everyone's life makes for some wonderful blackmail photos later in life!

10. Food Shots

My final most embarrassing photograph opportunity is the food shot all little kids have. Bowls of spaghetti turned upside down on the head are classics. You can't pass up the shot of the one-year-old sticking his face into the middle of his birthday cake, either!

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